Showing posts with label cabin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cabin. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New and not so...

There are new things happening around here!  It's spring, don't you feel it?  Well, for all of April, we definitely felt it, but now it is raining out (although MUCH needed...).  And a tad better then the snow we hear some Albertans were getting lately!

We like to feel the comment love so feel free to comment and let us know what you are thinking!

With the new-ness of spring comes new products we are carrying!  Some from the same companies, and more companies added to our lines as well. Check out the New! link on the homepage to see what is happening...

We LOVE supporting local companies and have finally added Winnipeg's own AMP Diapers to our list of products!  Right now we only have the One Size Duo Diapers, with hemp and bamboo inserts.  Back when my almost 3 year old was just a wee one, the AMP hemp insert was the first hemp insert I ever tried!  It's hard to believe it was just that long ago...

A part of the cloth diaper craze that has definitely interested me is the array of beautiful prints that come out!  Thirsties just introduced the Duo Wrap (with Aplix {aka Velcro}, and also Snaps now!) in some very very very cute prints!  Which one is your favorite?
We have heard of a few people's plans for the summer and would love to hear yours!  S tells us she is taking her little sweat pea to the cottage for a few weeks and has already looked into somewhere to wash her diapers.  Great idea and planning ahead!!

Camping trips also make it possible too!  Especially 2-3 days away.  That is how long we go between washes anyways but for some you may need to bring your whole stash or even get a few extra prefolds or inserts (we recommend hemp or bamboo, and suggest that you don't put microfiber against a baby's skin) that can fold to fit into any pocket diaper or diaper cover!

Have your larger pail liner sitting in the car or tent/camper and during the day just put soiled diapers/inserts into a travel wetbag. Don't forget your swim diaper that you can hang to dry between trips to the beach or pool! As seen below, even Wubbanubs make it to the beach ;)  This lil boy is turning THREE on Monday. Oh how time flies...

Hope to hear more from us, and we hope to hear more from YOU!  Thanks for sticking around.   

P.S. Are you on Facebook?  I am REALLY itching to do a giveaway soon - VERY soon, and once we hit 300 'likers' (formerly known as fans!) we will giveaway a gift certificate to our store! If you comment here you can increase your chances by getting another entry.  Also, once we reach 50 followers on this blog we will giveaway MORE. Now go follow... and like... ;) and we will see you soon. And I just added a feedburner badge to the blog so you can sign up for email updates when we post!!