Saturday, March 6, 2010

Time Well Spent

I have to admit it - I love folding cloth diaper laundry.  I know it may sound weird to say that, but honestly, it's probably my favorite household chore.  Way better than folding regular laundry.  I'm not sure why I feel that way -- maybe it's the cheery colors of the cloth diapers (much more exciting than a load of socks and work clothes!).  Maybe it's the good feeling of knowing that with each load I fold, there are 20 less disposables sitting in a landfill.  Or maybe it's my folding buddy.  That's right - I almost never fold cloth diapers by myself.  Ever since my daughter started wearing cloth diapers (around 5 months old), it's been something we've done together.  When she was little she'd grab at the diapers and make a mess of my neatly stacked piles.  She'd rip open the velcro closures I had so carefully fastened and try to unstuff the pockets.  These days (she's almost 2 now), she's all about "helping Mommy".  She tries to put the diapers into the drawer and she loves "folding" (aka bunching up) the wipes and putting them on her change table.  Sometimes we count the diapers and she tells me the colors, and sometimes we end up diapering a dolly or stuffed animal.  She tells me her favorite diaper is the "moo" diaper (a Happy Heinys cow print one size pocket diaper).  I love the time we spend together folding diapers.  Especially when I consider what we'd be doing with that time if we were using disposable diapers - driving to the store (in Winter-peg this is not always fun!), picking up diapers and wipes, waiting in line to pay...  When I consider the 2 options, I'd much rather be in my warm home, with my lovely daughter, folding cloth diapers. :)
~Pam C

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