Monday, August 9, 2010

Recommendations for starting cloth?

We are 'taking it to the streets' so to speak and asking YOU the question:

What one recommendation would you give someone just starting out with cloth?

A Twitter follower says: @tiny_treehugger try a variety of styles first to see what fits best. Friends with cloth stashes who lend them out help too :)

PamJ says: don't give up! it is something that you either love or you don't & it may take longer than a day to find the love for it, if you don't feel it yet...

PamC says: You don't have to commit to doing cloth full-time right away.  If you're not totally comfortable with it, you can just do it during the day, or while you're at home, or whatever works best for you.  Using a mix of cloth and disposables is okay, if that's what works.  It's better than nothing.

What is your answer?


  1. What worked for me goes against the advice so far. I researched cloth options for over a month, made a decision on type with lots of input from my husband, and just jumped in with both feet. I bought 24 dipes, all one type to make the learning curve easier, a diaper pail liner, a travel wet bag, and a box of Country Save and just went for it.

    I have bought some more and different accessories since then (like a hanging wet bag, and lots of baby washcloths for wipes), but what really helped cloth diapering stick for me was committing to it, instead of dabbling. I figured once I had spent $500+ on getting started, I would be pretty motivated not to wimp out in the first few weeks.

  2. Other people may have negative opinions on cloth diapering and try to talk you out of it. Don't listen to them and try it for yourself!

    Also, I highly recommend flushable liners when they start eating solids!

  3. I always felt I didn't have the "time" to cloth diaper but couldn't resist the cute colors and styles so decided it wouldn't hurt to try a sample pack well to my surprise 4 out of 6 were all ones we liked and the washing is easy and they come out clean and fresh! I loved it!

    Best part the baby never smells poopy always a fresh clean bum the only way I know he pooped is when he cries!

    This is a great alternative to wasting money on disposables that do nothing but fill up the garbage and landfills.
