Thursday, September 13, 2012

How Can You Go Green?

Hey's Andi here. Today I want to talk about different ways that we can "go green." Cloth diapering is of course a huge way to benefit the environment [and your wallet!] but what about for those of us [myself included] who are past the cloth diapering stage? What other ways can we be green?

Believe it or not, there are several ways to help the environment without having to first buy something [even though in the long run it typically WILL save you money $$]. It's true. We believe in being green, even if it doesn't involve selling you something from the shop!

Of course there is the obvious: RECYCLING! One of the simplest ways to help the environment with those oh-so-handy blue bins. Plastic bottles, tin cans, magazines and fliers...and even some things you might not even think of! Here is a list you can check if you want to see what can actually be recycled. It's as simple as putting something in your blue box instead of your garbage can. And it can make a world of difference!

And the RE-USE factor is something that can be simple too, once you get your mind trained to think of it! Toilet paper rolls can be used for crafts, kids can draw/color on BOTH sides of a piece of paper, old magazines can be used for kids making collages. And after a games night the other day, I discovered there are MANY uses for a newspaper once you are finished reading it.  :) What are some other things you can think of that you can re-use?

We can't forget about the final "R" in that trio: REDUCE! Without even listing things from the Tiny TreeHugger shop, there are many ways we can reduce waste. Investing a little bit of money in shopping bins and re-usable cloth bags is just one small way. Most stores have the option of purchasing cloth bags that are sturdy to hold most kind of shopping items and actually are a fair size too. You could also always try making your own too {you know, from some old material instead of throwing it away...hey! That's reducing AND re-using all at once!}. This way you can make it a fun color or pattern which is just an added bonus!

And how about composting? Do any of you do that? You can compost grass clippings, fruit & vegetable peels and husband even composts his used coffee grounds!

My almost 7-year-old, Malia

I'm sure you all have your own ideas of how you are green on a day-to-day basis. It doesn't have to be a BIG thing to make a BIG difference. Every small thing adds up and contributes to a greener earth!

I'd love it if you would all share one thing that you do to be kind to the environment. My girls have an idea of how we can save trees...   ;)

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